Brittney Wozniak

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Reverse property assessment appeals: Commercial properties owners have a friend in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

In a landmark case titled  Valley Forge Towers Apartments N, LP, et al. v. Upper Merion Area School District & Keystone Realty Advisors, LLC, No. 49 MAP 2016, issued July 5, 2017, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court (the “Court”) constitutionally curbed the rights of taxing jurisdictions to file selective appeals often called reverse tax appeals under … Continue Reading

(US) With new laws, it just got easier to demolish blighted properties in Pennsylvania

Blighted residential and commercial properties are a major impediment to rehabilitation and redevelopment efforts in cities and towns throughout Pennsylvania. However, late in the 2016 legislative term, the Pennsylvania House and Senate enacted new laws that will change the rehabilitation and redevelopment landscape. On November 4th, 2016 Governor Tom Wolf signed into law Senate Bill … Continue Reading