By Steven M. Regan and William G. Bornstein on Posted in Real Estate (U.S.)
The Pennsylvania Legislature enacted extensive changes to Title 56 of the Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries Code affecting powers of attorney, effective as of January 1, 2015. The amendments create a number of issues for creditors in commercial transactions and individuals and businesses engaging in the transfer of equity interests, bonds or other assets of a … Continue Reading
On January 1, 2015, the final Basel III rules regarding regulatory capital for banks with greater than $500 million in assets and all savings and loan holding companies took effect. Basel III imposes new rules for high volatility commercial real estate (HVCRE) which the regulations define as a credit facility that finances the acquisition, development … Continue Reading
You might have seen some of the recent media coverage of Gordon Ramsay’s court case relating to a personal guarantee given to his landlord that was signed using an “automated pen” operated by his estranged business partner and father in law. A significant sum was at stake given the personal guarantee guaranteed the tenant’s obligations … Continue Reading
It is the time of year when the Great British weather batters buildings up and down the country causing signs to fall off some and roofs to cave in! Beware, though, if you are the Landlord or manager of a mixed use building – emergency repairs may cost you more than you think. Section 20 … Continue Reading
In an article titled“The State of Compulsory Integration in Pennsylvania” that appears in The Legal Intelligencer, Michael Joy, Robert Jochen and Steven Chadwick of our Pittsburgh office review the challenges oil and natural gas developers face in Pennsylvania. The authors argue that an established compulsory integration process will benefit the industry by providing a predictable permitting … Continue Reading
On August 19, 2014, the Pennsylvania Superior Court affirmed a trial court’s decision not to reduce accelerated damages awarded to a landlord to present value, thereby strengthening the landlord’s position with respect to acceleration clauses in an already landlord-friendly state. The case, Newman Development Group of Pottstown, LLC v. Genuardi’s Family Market, Inc. and Safeway, … Continue Reading
Pennsylvania Act No. 129 of 2012 (effective September 4, 2012), amended the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951 to provide for the disposition of personal property deemed abandoned by a tenant. The Pennsylvania legislature has returned to this subject with Pennsylvania Act No. 167 of 2014 (effective December 21, 2014). Under the prior law, there … Continue Reading
Property owners, lien-holders and community development organizations in Pennsylvania, take note. Governor Corbett recently signed House Bill No. 1363 amending the act of November 26, 2008 (P.L.1672, No.135), also known as the Abandoned and Blighted Property Conservatorship Act. Depending on your viewpoint, the amendment gives much needed teeth to a tool for combating blight, or … Continue Reading
On September 18, 2014 Congress amended the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (“ILSA”) to exempt condominiums from the filing and registration requirements. Originally intended to protect consumers against fraudulent land sales practices such as selling lots that were underwater or unable to obtain utility services, the federal courts and the Department of Housing and … Continue Reading
When tenants offer landlords guarantees of their lease liabilities landlords need to take care what assignment rights the tenant can have and this was demonstrated in last week’s Court of Appeal decision in Tindall Cobham 1 Ltd v Adda Hotels. As you may recall, prior to the KS Victoria case (previously reported here) it was … Continue Reading
this is a follow-up to an earlier blog post on this issue from March, 2014 On Thursday, August 14, 2014, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania advised that it would consider the appeal from the Superior Court determination dated March 14, 2014 in the matter of Sheddon v. Anadarko E&P Co. LP. We will continue to update this … Continue Reading
Part 5 of a series on creative Real Estate financing. A developer financing method returns – IRS provides clarity on the use of historical rehabilitation tax credits Using Crowdfunding to finance real estate projects Using New Market Tax Credits to finance projects Let the Purchaser do the Financing E5-B visas are another growing source of liquidity … Continue Reading
This post was written by Katherine Campbell and Siobhan Hayes. We have just had a reminder that a landlord’s obligation to pay rates can arise when it has the legal right to take possession even though it is careful not to do so. The case in question is Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust v Birmingham … Continue Reading
There is no question that Chinese investors have played an important role in maintaining deal flow over the past several years, especially for trophy properties in gateway cities like London and New York. However, until recently, these investors have been at a competitive disadvantage due to a lengthy government review and approval process. Under prior … Continue Reading
This post was written by Lesley Vars and Leah Speckhard Prices for transferable development rights, commonly referred to as “air rights”, in New York City are reaching sky high numbers as developers scramble to build higher and higher. According to the Wall Street Journal’s April 23, 2014 article, titled “Sky is the Limit for Air … Continue Reading
When I moved to New York over seven years ago, it wasn’t easy finding an apartment. Internet rental listings had not yet caught on; I actually had to pick up the phone and call (gasp!) a broker or a friend to help locate available apartments. Since then, there has been a proliferation of web sites … Continue Reading
This post was written by Joe Marger and Leah Speckhard The Supreme Court’s refusal in February 2014 to hear the real estate driven Ninth Circuit case, Salameh v. Tarsadia, provided Condo-hotel owners and developers with relatively clear guidelines on how to avoid securities issues and/or litigation when selling Condominium units. The determination of what constitutes … Continue Reading
On March 14, 2014, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania ruled in favor of an oil and gas exploration company, applying the doctrine of estoppel by deed to prevent a landowner from partially repudiating an existing oil and gas lease. This decision is significant for oil and gas lessees as it stands for the proposition that … Continue Reading
Many commercial leases pass through to tenants a proportionate share of the landlord’s operating expenses and taxes for the property based on terms expressed in the lease. However, some landlords attempt to pass-through certain taxes that a tenant should not be expected to pay. A recent lease negotiation on behalf of an industrial client … Continue Reading
Recently, the Commercial Lease Law Insider advised landlords to avoid lease disputes by refusing to disclose the square footage of the space. The Landlord is well advised to follow a course of action that creates trust and fosters a mutually beneficial long term Landlord/Tenant relationship. The size of the tenant’s space, expressed in square … Continue Reading
Conveying oil and gas interests in Pennsylvania raises the question as to whether the document conveying the interest is subject to realty transfer tax and, if so, how the value of the interest determined and the tax calculated. Oil and gas transactions create a variety of interests in property. An oil and gas lease creates … Continue Reading
This is a follow-up to an earlier blog post on the PA Supreme Court Act 13 decision On Friday, February 21, 2014, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court announced that it would not reconsider its December, 2013 decision striking down as unconstitutional broad portions of the 2012 law amending Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Act (Act 13). Following the … Continue Reading
This post was also written by Peter Schnore. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s December 2013 decision regarding the constitutionality of the 2012 law amending Pennsylvania’s Oil and Gas Act (Act 13) came as a disappointment to the oil and gas industry. Conversely, the decision was a holiday gift to those governments, groups and individuals seeking greater … Continue Reading
New procedures will make it harder to register land as a town or village green (‘TVG’). This is one of the Government’s many measures for lessening the impediments to property development. Two recent cases about registered TVGs have also been decided in favour of development.… Continue Reading