Tag Archives: Community Benefit Agreement

(US) The Tools of “Inclusionary Eminent Domain (Part 2): How the Concept Works in Practice

This second blog post of the two-part series features just a few of the tools of inclusionary eminent domain that can be retrofitted for purposes of constructing or preserving affordable housing on land condemned for economic development, or new development projects generally. The tools are interrelated and have the ability to operate in tandem to … Continue Reading

(US) What is “Inclusionary Eminent Domain” (Part 1): Rethinking How to Construct Affordable Housing in Economic Development Projects

This first part of a two-part blog series explores a new concept, “inclusionary eminent domain,” that has emerged in real estate development. The concept serves to temper and reconcile the interests of various stakeholders involved in eminent domain takings for economic development. The concept has evolved in response to the 2005 landmark United States Supreme … Continue Reading