The Pittsburgh Penguins have finalized a groundbreaking agreement with local community groups after years of negotiations involving the development of the 28 acre site where the former Civic Arena once stood. The agreement provides for, among other things, the inclusion of minority participation in the development of the 28 acres and a percentage of affordable … Continue Reading
No zoning, no problem? Think again. The Houston real estate market has seen an escalation of commercial, mixed use, and residential projects. This upturn in overall development activity has been met with increased scrutiny by community groups. At the same time, the proliferation of social media has lowered the barriers to organizing coordinated opposition to … Continue Reading
This post was written by Dusty Elias Kirk and Peter Schnore Pennsylvania real property tax appeal “season” is upon us once again. It’s important that a property owner not take an assessment at face value. For 66 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties, the 2015 real property tax appeal deadlines fall between August 1 and the first Monday of … Continue Reading
“Pop-Up” retail, the use of short-term sales space to house retailers in connection with a trendy seasonal or up-and-coming product has increased in popularity over the last several years. Target, Nike, Google and Microsoft are recent examples of retailers who have successfully opened pop-up shops. Recently, the concept of the pop-up shop has expanded beyond … Continue Reading
This post was also written by Peter Schnore. The Honorable R. Stanton Wettick, Jr., Senior Judge of the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, spoke at the monthly meeting of the Real Estate Section of the Allegheny County Bar Association held on April 10, 2014. It is not surprising that Judge Wettick’s topic was real … Continue Reading
In January 2014, the Monroe County (PA) Court of Common Pleas stripped recently awarded HUP status from a not-for-profit student housing corporation affiliated with East Stroudsburg University (“ESU”). As the record in East Stroudsburg Area School District v. Monroe County Board of Assessment Appeals reflects, ESU formed the not for profit corporation, University Properties, Inc. (“UPI”), … Continue Reading