Tag Archives: Credit

(US) The ‘Good Guy Guaranty’: Covered obligations can differ depending on your perspective

A landlord may request a principal of a tenant or an affiliated entity to guarantee lease obligations if the prospective tenant has a less-than-ideal credit profile. In a tenant-friendly market, few landlords will be successful in this pursuit. Consequently, a savvy landlord may request a sufficient security deposit, plus a limited or “Good Guy” Guaranty … Continue Reading

(US) Creative Financing: A Developer financing method returns-IRS provides clarity on the use of Historical Rehabilitation Tax Credits

Part of a series on creative Real Estate financing. Using Crowdfunding to finance real estate projects Using New Market Tax Credits to finance projects Let the Purchaser do the Financing The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) recently issued important new guidelines regarding the Historic Rehabilitation Credit (“HRC”) reopening a recently moribund financing method. The new guidelines provide … Continue Reading