Tag Archives: District

(US) DC Real Property Tax Abatement: Another Tool to Free Up Cashflow

In many cases nonprofit organizations do not have large endowments or reserves in place from which they draw upon to readily accomplish and sustain a real estate acquisition. In today’s market, buyers are typically expected to contribute between 10-20% cash equity upfront as well as meet reoccurring payments of debt service, operating expenses and real … Continue Reading

(US) The Tools of “Inclusionary Eminent Domain (Part 2): How the Concept Works in Practice

This second blog post of the two-part series features just a few of the tools of inclusionary eminent domain that can be retrofitted for purposes of constructing or preserving affordable housing on land condemned for economic development, or new development projects generally. The tools are interrelated and have the ability to operate in tandem to … Continue Reading

(US) What is “Inclusionary Eminent Domain” (Part 1): Rethinking How to Construct Affordable Housing in Economic Development Projects

This first part of a two-part blog series explores a new concept, “inclusionary eminent domain,” that has emerged in real estate development. The concept serves to temper and reconcile the interests of various stakeholders involved in eminent domain takings for economic development. The concept has evolved in response to the 2005 landmark United States Supreme … Continue Reading

(US) Ohio 7th District Court of Appeals provides much needed clarity on Dormant Mineral Act

On April 8, 2014, the Court of Appeals for the Seventh District of the State of Ohio issued its opinion in the matter of Walker v. Noon (2014-Ohio-1499). In Walker, the Court considered competing claims to a previously severed mineral estate between a surface owner, Jon Walker, Jr. (“Walker”), and the purported owner of the … Continue Reading

(UK) What a Relief – from Empty Rates Liability

This post was written by Jo Carter and Siobhan Hayes. The controversy over the unfair and anachronistic business rates system is constantly in the main stream press at the moment and today saw the BBC report on the expected announcement of a freeze to rates rises to be announced by the Chancellor in the Autumn … Continue Reading