Tag Archives: housing

(US) California Real Estate Legislation and Regulation in 2016

In a Law360.com article published on January 4th titled “California Real Estate Legislation and Regulation to Watch in 2016,” Andrew McIntyre of Law360 addresses the challenges facing the California real estate market in the new year. Here are the items on the 2016 legislative agenda: Proposition 13 Bay Area Housing Earthquake retrofitting San Francisco’s Proposition M Overall … Continue Reading

(US) Condominiums Exempted From Filing & Registration Requirements of the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act

On September 18, 2014 Congress amended the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (“ILSA”) to exempt condominiums from the filing and registration requirements. Originally intended to protect consumers against fraudulent land sales practices such as selling lots that were underwater or unable to obtain utility services, the federal courts and the Department of Housing and … Continue Reading

(US) Public Private Partnerships Can Work: Pittsburgh Penguins and Community Agree on Development Plans

The Pittsburgh Penguins have finalized a groundbreaking agreement with local community groups after years of negotiations involving the development of the 28 acre site where the former Civic Arena once stood. The agreement provides for, among other things, the inclusion of minority participation in the development of the 28 acres and a percentage of affordable … Continue Reading

(US) San Francisco proposes new legislation to accommodate short-term residential rentals

As a result of the proliferation of on-line hosting platforms (Airbnb, VRBO, Craigslist, etc.) the number of incidents of short-term residential rentals in San Francisco may have reached 100,000 last year. What’s interesting is that the majority of these incidents were illegal under San Francisco law. Indeed, San Francisco currently bans owners and tenants of … Continue Reading

(US) The Tools of “Inclusionary Eminent Domain (Part 2): How the Concept Works in Practice

This second blog post of the two-part series features just a few of the tools of inclusionary eminent domain that can be retrofitted for purposes of constructing or preserving affordable housing on land condemned for economic development, or new development projects generally. The tools are interrelated and have the ability to operate in tandem to … Continue Reading

(US) What is “Inclusionary Eminent Domain” (Part 1): Rethinking How to Construct Affordable Housing in Economic Development Projects

This first part of a two-part blog series explores a new concept, “inclusionary eminent domain,” that has emerged in real estate development. The concept serves to temper and reconcile the interests of various stakeholders involved in eminent domain takings for economic development. The concept has evolved in response to the 2005 landmark United States Supreme … Continue Reading

(US) PA University’s Housing Non-Profit Stripped of Tax Exempt Status

In January 2014, the Monroe County (PA) Court of Common Pleas stripped recently awarded HUP status from a not-for-profit student housing corporation affiliated with East Stroudsburg University (“ESU”). As the record in East Stroudsburg Area School District v. Monroe County Board of Assessment Appeals  reflects, ESU formed the not for profit corporation, University Properties, Inc. (“UPI”), … Continue Reading