Tenancy agreements are determined by the landlord handing over the rented property to the tenant – and the tenant paying rent for it. If the tenant is in arrears with the equivalent to at least 2 months’ rent, the landlord is entitled to terminate the tenancy (section 543 para. 2 no. 3 of the German … Continue Reading
This post was written by Katherine Campbell and Siobhan Hayes. We have just had a reminder that a landlord’s obligation to pay rates can arise when it has the legal right to take possession even though it is careful not to do so. The case in question is Schroder Exempt Property Unit Trust v Birmingham … Continue Reading
This post was also written by Clare Whitaker. A decision by the High Court in December has strengthened the position of landlords who sometimes do not get paid during the administration even where the administrator is running the business from the property.… Continue Reading