Tag Archives: Interest Rate

(US) Buy versus Lease: Why Organizations Should Consider Purchasing Their Space

We have been approached by many clients who contemplate the advantages of buying versus leasing space to serve as their headquarters facility. More often than not, the underlying decision is based on the numbers. In order to make a well informed business decision, we recommend a comprehensive side-by-side comparison of each option. WHAT FACTORS TO … Continue Reading

(US) Illinois Legislation Rejects In re Crane

This post was also written by Cynthia Jared. Custom and practice in Illinois with respect to mortgages has been to incorporate the note or other debt instrument by reference, rather than to disclose all of the financial terms of a loan transaction in the mortgage. Then, in April 2012 (as previously reported in the Reed … Continue Reading

Illinois Legislation Trumps In re Crane Bankruptcy Court Decision

Since the In re Crane decision was handed down by the Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of Illinois in April 2012, all eyes in the mortgage banking industry have been focused on the appeal of the decision pending in the U.S. District Court, in the hopes that the widely criticized ruling of the Bankruptcy … Continue Reading