In September, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unanimously decided in Reading Area Water Authority v. Schuylkill River Greenway, that a “water authority” may not condemn a utility easement over privately-owned land for the sole purpose of providing a private developer sewage and drainage facilities for a proposed residential housing development. The case is important because it … Continue Reading
On Tuesday, July 8, 2014, the Pennsylvania State Senate passed the Commonwealth’s fiscal code by a margin of 26 to 22. Included within the fiscal code, as a companion piece to the legislation, were provisions critical to the Commonwealth’s commitment to future natural gas development on state lands. Specifically, the fiscal code included measures which: … Continue Reading
This second blog post of the two-part series features just a few of the tools of inclusionary eminent domain that can be retrofitted for purposes of constructing or preserving affordable housing on land condemned for economic development, or new development projects generally. The tools are interrelated and have the ability to operate in tandem to … Continue Reading
This first part of a two-part blog series explores a new concept, “inclusionary eminent domain,” that has emerged in real estate development. The concept serves to temper and reconcile the interests of various stakeholders involved in eminent domain takings for economic development. The concept has evolved in response to the 2005 landmark United States Supreme … Continue Reading
In a recent decision, the New York Court of Appeals held that a NYC proprietor could operate a restaurant on city-owned parkland located in Union Square notwithstanding the so called “public trust doctrine”. The restaurant will replace long-time neighborhood favorite Luna Park, which closed in 2007 at the time of a citywide park renovation initiative. … Continue Reading
Urban areas, including the periphery, are now experiencing reverse migration back to the urban centers. This trend links to baby boomers who are now ‘empty nesters’ looking to eliminate work commutes and fulfill a desire for proximity to urban entertainment and cultural centers. Millennials have a role in this demographic shift, favoring a lifestyle where … Continue Reading
This post was written by Jo Carter and Siobhan Hayes. The controversy over the unfair and anachronistic business rates system is constantly in the main stream press at the moment and today saw the BBC report on the expected announcement of a freeze to rates rises to be announced by the Chancellor in the Autumn … Continue Reading