Tag Archives: purpose

(US) San Francisco proposes new legislation to accommodate short-term residential rentals

As a result of the proliferation of on-line hosting platforms (Airbnb, VRBO, Craigslist, etc.) the number of incidents of short-term residential rentals in San Francisco may have reached 100,000 last year. What’s interesting is that the majority of these incidents were illegal under San Francisco law. Indeed, San Francisco currently bans owners and tenants of … Continue Reading

(US) New York High Court Ruling: Restaurant in Union Square does not violate state public trust doctrine regarding use of parkland

In a recent decision, the New York Court of Appeals held that a NYC proprietor could operate a restaurant on city-owned parkland located in Union Square notwithstanding the so called “public trust doctrine”. The restaurant will replace long-time neighborhood favorite Luna Park, which closed in 2007 at the time of a citywide park renovation initiative. … Continue Reading