Tag Archives: safe

(US) Construction Allowance in Commercial Leases: Do You Want Income Taxes With That?

Negotiation of the construction allowance is an important part of most commercial lease transactions and usually centers around the size of the allowance and the type of improvements to be constructed. However, the tax consequences flowing from the construction allowance are frequently subject to far less negotiation. If the tenant owns the improvements after construction, … Continue Reading

(US) Foreign Direct Investments get some help from China’s new NDRC system

There is no question that Chinese investors have played an important role in maintaining deal flow over the past several years, especially for trophy properties in gateway cities like London and New York. However, until recently, these investors have been at a competitive disadvantage due to a lengthy government review and approval process. Under prior … Continue Reading

(US) Creative Financing: A Developer financing method returns-IRS provides clarity on the use of Historical Rehabilitation Tax Credits

Part of a series on creative Real Estate financing. Using Crowdfunding to finance real estate projects Using New Market Tax Credits to finance projects Let the Purchaser do the Financing The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) recently issued important new guidelines regarding the Historic Rehabilitation Credit (“HRC”) reopening a recently moribund financing method. The new guidelines provide … Continue Reading