Tag Archives: urban

(US) Condominiums Exempted From Filing & Registration Requirements of the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act

On September 18, 2014 Congress amended the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (“ILSA”) to exempt condominiums from the filing and registration requirements. Originally intended to protect consumers against fraudulent land sales practices such as selling lots that were underwater or unable to obtain utility services, the federal courts and the Department of Housing and … Continue Reading

(US) Pop-Up Retail: a temporary fix becomes a mainstream development tool

“Pop-Up” retail, the use of short-term sales space to house retailers in connection with a trendy seasonal or up-and-coming product has increased in popularity over the last several years. Target, Nike, Google and Microsoft are recent examples of retailers who have successfully opened pop-up shops. Recently, the concept of the pop-up shop has expanded beyond … Continue Reading

(US) Pennsylvania in Motion: Transit bill aims to improve infrastructure and public transit

Urban areas, including the periphery, are now experiencing reverse migration back to the urban centers. This trend links to baby boomers who are now ‘empty nesters’ looking to eliminate work commutes and fulfill a desire for proximity to urban entertainment and cultural centers. Millennials have a role in this demographic shift, favoring a lifestyle where … Continue Reading